Cypress Independent Cypress Independent Winterguard Mon, 27 Aug 2018 04:04:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 104979083 It’s almost time for Year 10! Thu, 26 Jul 2018 16:48:56 +0000

Hey #TeamCypress!

We’re so excited to get our tenth anniversary season started!  Our auditions will be held on September 15th and 16th, with a callback on September 23rd.  You can fill out your application on our website, and then print and sign your medical release forms to bring with you!

Where are auditions?

UpNext Sports – 13225 FM 529 Road, Suite Q, Houston, TX 77041 – Enter through the glass door on the far left of the building.

How much does it cost?  Can I pay with check or card? 

The audition fee is $50 and goes towards your dues if you are offered a position in the cast.  The $50 fee must be paid in cash.

What should I wear?

Please wear all black, form-fitting dance attire that allows you to move easily and remain comfortable and presentable all day.

Do I need to bring my own equipment?

We will provide flags and will have a few weapons available, but please bring your own weapons if you can.

Do I have to come to both audition sessions(September 15-16/23)?

You are not required to attend both audition dates.  The final cast will be established after the September 23 audition, but the more we are able to see you perform, interact with cast and staff members, and even improve between the audition clinics, the more opportunities we have to see how great you are!

If I attend both auditions, do I have to pay the $50 audition fee twice?

No, you only pay the $50 audition fee once, whether you attend one or both audition dates.

What’s the plan for the day?

Registration will be from 9:30 to 10:00 AM.  The mornings will be focused on movement and after lunch we’ll shift to equipment. At the end of the day, we’ll wrap up with some small group performances.

Can I bring a friend?

Of course! We love friends!  Bring all the friends!

Do I have to fill out the application ahead of time?

No, you don’t have to fill out the application ahead of time, but if you can fill it out online, it will help you get through registration faster.  You can also fill out your medical forms ahead of time, but make sure to print, sign, and bring them with you to auditions!  If you forget, we’ll have plenty of extras for you to fill out at registration.

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2018 Cypress Independent Auditions Mon, 24 Jul 2017 05:03:48 +0000

Hey Cypress Fam!

It’s that time again!  We’re so excited for 2018 that we’re getting started early!  We can’t wait to see everyone at our auditions on September 10 & 17.  Check out the information below for more details, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


Where are auditions?

Klein Oak High School – 22603 Northcrest Drive, Spring, TX 77839 – Park on the side near the band truck and look for the flag. 😉

How much does it cost?  Can I pay with check or card? 

The audition fee is $50 and goes towards your dues if you are offered a position in the cast.  The $50 fee must be paid in cash.

What should I wear?

Please wear all black, form-fitting dance attire that allows you to move easily and remain comfortable and presentable all day.

Do I need to bring my own equipment?

We will provide flags and will have a few weapons available, but please bring your own weapons if you can.

Do I have to come to both audition sessions(September 10/17)?

You are not required to attend both audition dates.  The final cast will be established after the September 17 audition, but the more we are able to see you perform, interact with cast and staff members, and even improve between the audition clinics, the more opportunities we have to see how great you are!

If I attend both auditions, do I have to pay the $50 audition fee twice?

No, you only pay the $50 audition fee once, whether you attend one or both audition dates.

What’s the plan for the day?

Registration will be from 9:15 to 9:45.  The mornings will be focused on movement and after lunch we’ll shift to equipment. At the end of the day, we’ll wrap up with some small group performances.

Can I bring a friend?

Of course! We love friends!  Bring all the friends!

Do I have to fill out the application ahead of time?

No, you don’t have to fill out the application ahead of time, but if you can fill it out online, it will help you get through registration faster.  You can also fill out your medical forms ahead of time, but make sure to print, sign, and bring them with you to auditions!  If you forget, we’ll have plenty of extras for you to fill out at registration.

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2017 Audition Info Sat, 10 Sep 2016 18:18:51 +0000

Hey!  Are you coming to auditions this Sunday or September 25th?  We put together a few frequently asked questions and some helpful information about Cypress and our auditions!  Check it out!

Where are auditions?

Klein Oak High School – 22603 Northcrest Drive, Spring, TX 77839 – Park on the side near the band truck and look for the flag. 😉

How much does it cost?  Can I pay with check or card? 

The audition fee is $50 and goes towards your dues if you are offered a position in the cast.  The $50 fee must be paid in cash.

What should I wear?

Please wear all black, form-fitting dance attire that allows you to move easily and remain comfortable and presentable all day.

Do I need to bring my own equipment?

We will provide flags will have a few weapons available, but please bring your own weapons if you can.

Do I have to come to both audition dates (September 11 & 25)?

You are not required to attend both audition dates.  The final cast will be established after the September 25 audition, but the more we are able to see you perform, interact with cast and staff members, and even improve between the audition clinics, the more opportunities we have to see how great you are!

If I attend both auditions, do I have to pay the $50 audition fee twice?

No, you only pay the $50 audition fee once, whether you attend one or both audition dates.

What’s the plan for the day?

Registration will be from 9 to 9:30.  The morning will be focused on movement and after lunch we’ll shift to equipment. At the end of the day, we’ll wrap up with some small group performances.

Can I bring a friend?

Of course! We love friends!  Bring all the friends!

Do I have to fill out the application ahead of time?

No, you don’t have to fill out the application ahead of time, but if you can fill it out online, it will help you get through registration faster.  You can also fill out your medical forms ahead of time, but make sure to print, sign, and bring them with you to auditions!  If you forget, we’ll have plenty of extras for you to fill out at registration.

We’re so ready to get the 2017 season started, and we know that you’ll make the 2017 season the most spectacular Cypress season yet!  See you on Sunday!  #StopAndReset #Conversations#LetsTalkAbout2017 


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Two Weeks Til Auditions! Tue, 30 Aug 2016 16:34:05 +0000

Less than two weeks until Auditions, Cypress Fam!  

If you’re coming to auditions, fill out your application on our website!  Save some time on the day of auditions by printing and signing medical forms ahead of time. You can download them from the application page.  You also need to bring cash for the $50 Audition Fee, which counts towards your membership dues, if you’re offered a position within the 2017 Cast.  Wear black dance attire, bring your own weapons, and be ready to have a fantastic day of colorguard with Cypress Independent!

Cypress Independent 2017 Cast Auditions I 

September 11, 2016 | 9am to 4pm | @ Klein Oak High School – The first audition date for #CI2017!  Come spin your heart out with one of the greatest guard families around!  Fill out your application now!

Cypress Independent 2017 Cast Auditions II 

September 25, 2016 | 9am to 4pm | @ Klein Oak High School – Can’t make the first audition date?  Our second audition date for the 2017 cast will be September 25!

See you soon! #NMNB

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RSVP for the Cypress Spin Clinic! Mon, 22 Aug 2016 18:37:32 +0000

Hey Team Cypress!

Come out on August 28, 2016 from 9am to 4pm @ North Shore High School Ninth Grade Campus for a fabulous and fun day of movement, spinning, and performance with some of your favorite Cypress members and staff.  The clinic fee is only $25 and the Cypress Spin Clinic is open to any and everyone!  We’d love for you join us as we spend a day doing the things we all love most!  Let us know if you’re coming by filling out the RSVP form below!


Cypress Spin Clinic RSVP

RSVP for the Cypress Spin Clinic on August 28, 2016 9am to 4pm @ North Shore HS 9th Grade Campus

    Check All That Apply
    Check All That Apply

  • Information about yourself, your interests, or your skill levels that you think we should know
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Cypress Staff 2017 Sun, 14 Aug 2016 18:31:52 +0000

It’s time for another announcement! Cypress Independent is thrilled to welcome Daniel Wiles to the design team for the upcoming 2017 season. We’re looking forward to the new perspective and the wealth of experience he will bring to Cypress. He will be joined by a fantastic group of designers, educators, and technicians as we move into Year 8!

Cypress Independent 2017 Staff List

Christin Alkhazshvilly
Eric Babula
Chad Berkstresser
Kelly Bernsen Simon
Krystle Breden
Stephanie Chavez
Chris Cook
Gizzel Cruz
Deontahvius Ford
Matt Gibson
Lauren Harper
Tom Harrington
Louis Helliger
Michael House
Matt “MJ” Johnson
Tim Newburn
William Pichette
Fernanado Rodriguez
George Staib
Christopher Tyer
Daniel Wiles


Check out our Staff Page to see all of their smiling faces! There are plenty of opportunities to spend some quality time with this awesome group coming up soon! The Cypress Clinic and our 2017 Cast Auditions will be here before you know it!

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A Note from the Director Sun, 31 Jul 2016 23:00:13 +0000

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” (African proverb)

     It does, in fact, take a village. Independent guard, at any level, is truly a labor of love; a nonstop scavenger hunt for resources. Those of us who are able to make it work, count on the generosity of somany. Cypress is no exception. We have been a grassroots organization since our inception. So many moving parts; so many active hands. When people discuss success or talent in our industry, they tend to mean teachers and artists. But the less glamorous fact is that none of those people get to put their gifts in motion without a Facilities Planner or a Dues Collector or a Trailer Puller.

     StopandReset was geared at examining every facet of our organization. Not just how to get more points or throw better tosses, but how to grow our business model. We needed a bigger village. And that meant a town council.

“ Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers…” (Edmund Lee)

     As part of our restructure for 2017, we have developed a new four-person management team to lead us into our 8th season and help us Crescendo to Ten. While all of us will still be in the gym trying to get count 5 to be flat or elbows to be aired on catches, off the floor we will be available to divide and conquer in an effort to streamline our efficiency and expand our reach.

     Co-Director Kelly Simon has agreed to return for an 8th adventure as my right hand. She will once again be putting her impressive business skills and no-nonsense spirit to work. Among other things, Kelly will be overseeing projects helmed by members of our new Alumni group.

“If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done.”

     Lauren Harper, who joined the Cypress family in 2015 when she relocated to Houston, has been named the Media Relations Coordinator. Aside from her marketing and graphics skills, she brings fresh perspective to our camp. Having served in a variety of roles with other organizations, her insights are valuable to our continued growth. Under her guidance, I look forward to Cypress enjoying a more fan friendly online presence.

     Stepping into yet another new role, founding member Stephanie Chavez will become the Staff Coordinator for 2017. There’s an old analogy about making the child who stands to inherit the company learn the business from the ground up, starting in the mail room and doing every job along the way. This “walk in every shoe” approach to training hopes to instill connectedness and compassion in its next generation leader, something that Stephanie has earned in abundance along the way. As I turn over the responsibility for the cleaning the ensemble to her, I have complete faith that, together with the many inspiring teachers that will surround her, the future of Cypress will be forged.

“The goal of good leadership should always be to create more leaders.”

     I will continue to manage the artistic team, a collection of old and new faces, who are committed to bringing you the next chapter in the Cypress story. But that is for another day….

     Join me in welcoming these phenomenal women into their new roles and thanking them ahead of time for their selfless efforts on behalf of the performers. Enjoy our new website and continue to check back often as we continue to share details about the upcoming season including additions to the staff, exciting performance opportunities and audition info.

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2017 Cypress Clinic and Auditions Sun, 31 Jul 2016 20:00:42 +0000

Hello Cypress Fans!

We’re so excited for 2017 and we know that you’ll want to join us for our upcoming clinic and Cast Auditions!

Cypress Independent Spin Clinic

August 28, 2016 | 9am to 4pm | @ North Shore High School Ninth Grade Campus | $25 – Open to any and everyone!  We’d love for you join us for a fabulous and fun day of movement, spinning, and performance with some of your favorite Cypress members and staff.  Can’t wait to see you there!

Cypress Independent 2017 Cast Auditions I 

September 11, 2016 | 9am to 4pm | @ Klein Oak High School – The first audition date for #CI2017!  Come spin your heart out with one of the greatest guard families around!  Fill out your application now!

Cypress Independent 2017 Cast Auditions II 

September 25, 2016 | 9am to 4pm | @ Klein Oak High School – Can’t make the first audition date?  Our second audition date for the 2017 cast will be September 25!

Are you excited for auditions too?  You can fill out your application now!  Just click here, fill out your information, and click submit!

The Cypress Team can’t wait to get rolling on the upcoming season!  See you soon!





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New Cypress Independent Website Sun, 31 Jul 2016 17:00:24 +0000

Welcome to the new Cypress Independent website!

We’re so glad you came to visit!  Here you can find information about who we are, what we do, and how you can become a part of the Cypress Family.  Have a look around, have a grand time, and make sure you fill out an application for the 2017 Cast Auditions!

Nil magnum nisi bonum!

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